It's an extraordinary art really. The exquisite Cards lay before you, painted in beautiful detail - replicating the 4 arenas of our lives - visually offering your audience an epic depiction of our human complex processes. Where the cards sit - in which order - upside down or not ... Relevant. Meaningful. Soaked in Insight. I am intrigued by the Human psyche. I am captivated by the reasons behind why people behave the way they do. What is their story? How does it affect the way they think, act and play today? Who conditioned them? When did the Impact happen? If they keep going in this direction, will there be a Happily Ever After at the end of it all? Tarot embraces Psychology - the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. When you are highly intuitive - when you feel what you think and you think what you feel - you innately practice this science without ever having earned a degree. You sense what a person has lived through; your compassion can hear their inner voice tell it's story -- because the pictures on the Cards they draw out before you, comes to surface because of the Transference of Energy occurring between Client, The Card, And The Reader. Particles of Matter, invisible to the naked eye, working in conjunction with our thoughts and our feelings, creating a magical intangible relationship with existence. That is Tarot.